EXOTIC ANIMAL EXPONovmeber 21-22 2020

This year we are having a preshow and media night prior to our event on 11/20/2020. If you wish to participate please advise asap.
Join SHEDSKIN REPTILES at the CONEX Reptile and Exotic Animal Expo where you will find thousands of exotic pets, trusted brand names on supplies, and meet distinguished breeders face to face. For continued updates on this show follow it on Facebook, CONEX: Reptile and Exotic Animal Expo. For info on both events, CONEX: Comic Con and Exotic Animal Expo.
NOVEMBER our expo will become the place to go for reptiles. Unlike any other show we will have something for everyone in your whole family to enjoy.
CONEX2020 in PLEASANON at the Alameda County FAIRGROUNDS!
Children under 5, Seniors over 65, Police, Fire. and Military all receive FREE admission. Follow us on Facebook for other exciting announcements.
To simplify things for registration you may complete your registration right here using the two fillable boxes in the the registration menu. If you are a returning vendor/exhibitor we already have your information on file. If you are a new vendor, in addition to this we will provide you with a PDF that includes our standards for safety, rules, sales info etc. Once you have registered we will send you this info via email and you may send it back signed, either by screen shotting it, USPS, or email attachment. WE ARE STRIVING TO MAKE THIS EASIER AND MORE USER FRIENDLY. We look forward to having you once again at the 2018 Reptile Expo. See you in November.
If you are interrested in being a vendor, please contact:
Payment Methods: Cash, Pay Pal, and Credit card:
Memo: CONEX Reptile and Exotic Animal Expo
Event HOTEL Group Rate: Larkspur Landing $99 per day, Contact early and get these group rates. You muct mention that you are part of the Become One Voice, Inc. CONEX Events group.